The green solution
Why did we start Media Carrier Solutions? Because we are convinced that our paperless press service can make a small contribution to a more sustainable world.
Distributing stacks of daily newspapers is a thing of the past
Almost every second industrially felled tree worldwide is used for paper production (according to WWF, 11/2021). As a digital library, the Media Box not only contributes to environmental protection by saving paper, but also by avoiding the complex supply chain (emissions during paper production, transportation, etc.). Not to mention the staff who have to spend a lot of time and energy on the daily provision of print press. Staff shortages send their regards!

By using our digital service, our airline partners save many tons of paper every month and therefore CO2 eq every month. And that’s not all: our digital media library does not add any additional weight and therefore saves tons of fuel. For example, our customer LOT Polish Airlines saves around 230 tons of fuel per year by replacing printed daily newspapers with e‑press on board.
The environment stays clean
Elimenating printed newspapers and magazines also reduces the amount of waste in hotels, transportation and all other places in a destination. Another plus: by using an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional print media, your own sustainability goals can be supported.
Smartphones & co. are always on the go
Of course, if the entire manufacturing process of a mobile device is included in the sustainability calculation, the case of “digital vs. print” is not so clear-cut. But let’s be honest: smartphones and tablets have long been part of our everyday lives and it’s hard to imagine life without them. So we use what’s already there — “Bring your own device ” — that’s our motto. Who will win the race? Paperless reading, of course.