
Let’s talk about digital distribution channels
for your publications!

Publishers are faced with mul­ti­ple chal­lenges, inclu­ding increased raw mate­rial pri­ces, infla­tion and chan­ging rea­ding beha­viours, and the indus­try is con­stantly requi­red to find new ways of main­tai­ning or, ide­ally, incre­asing the reach and sales of publications.

Our Media Box is just what you need — it’s your tool for more reach.


Media Box for more reach and visibility

Our Media Box digi­tal media library con­ta­ins more than 1,600 news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes and tra­vel gui­des as well as pod­casts in a good 40 languages.
It is user-fri­endly and web-based, does not require a sub­scrip­tion, works with or wit­hout an app and is available on any device via Wi-Fi.
It is used whe­re­ver peo­ple app­re­ciate access to digi­tal con­tent and want to enjoy digi­tal publi­ca­ti­ons hassle-free to enhance the moment they are in or bridge wai­ting times, such as when on holi­days lying by the pool, during a flight, train or bus jour­ney and while wai­ting for public ser­vices or in hos­pi­tals.

By inte­gra­ting your publi­ca­ti­ons into the Media Box, you open up new dis­tri­bu­tion chan­nels. You also increase the IVW-cer­ti­fied digi­tal cir­cu­la­tion and reach of your ePa­per and improve its visi­bi­lity wit­hout incur­ring dis­tri­bu­tion costs.
Our IT experts will show you how you can easily inte­grate your “hot off the press” e‑publications into our Media Box. Just a few clicks are nee­ded for your publi­ca­ti­ons to reach addi­tio­nal rea­ders in a cost effec­tive way – effi­ci­ent and almost in real time.

Don’t forget on-site distribution

The Media Box also has its place in brick-and-mortar retail.
Our sales spe­cia­lists have deve­lo­ped a new digi­tal sys­tem that enables the sale of digi­tal news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes at the newsstand
so that you can gene­rate addi­tio­nal digi­tal sales in the real world. 

Transparency and precise analysis

With the Media Box, you are always on top of your digi­tal edi­tion distribution.
Using your back-office access, you get detailed down­load sta­tis­tics and pre­cise access figure analyses.
Mar­ket rese­arch has never been so easy and affordable. 

Jointly working on a sustainable future

We want to sup­port you in gai­ning new rea­ders and incre­asing your sales.
To that end and with the all-impor­tatnt digi­tal native tar­get group in mind, we deve­lop new audio and video for­mats, push noti­fi­ca­ti­ons and text-to-speech offers. 

Media Carrier Solutions