Other use cases

Provide your customers with engaging digital content. International publications customised to your target group and suitable for a wide range of advertising options. 

In addi­tion to tou­rism, hos­pi­ta­lity, trans­port, health­care and public ser­vices, the digi­tal ser­vice deli­vered through our Media Box
pro­vi­des added cus­to­mer value in spas, gyms and any other space where enjoy­ing online and audio con­tent enhan­ces people’s experience. 

The Media Box is at home whe­re­ver rea­ding and lis­tening are enri­ching pastimes.


Added value that makes a difference

Added value is the icing on the cake in today’s busi­ness environment.
Our Media Box pro­vi­des just that:
It turns a jour­ney into a spe­cial expe­ri­ence from begin­ning to end, it trans­forms idle wai­ting time into moments of enga­ge­ment and inspi­ra­tion and it stays in the minds of cus­to­mers, pas­sen­gers, guests and visi­tors as some­thing truly posi­tive because it crea­tes added value which will posi­tively reflect on your busi­ness or organisation. 

Want to get even more out of your Media Box? Then make our digi­tal media library part of your cus­to­mer loyalty sys­tem so that digi­tal publi­ca­ti­ons become spe­cial goodies.

Customer retention: when loyalty turns into a download

Your cus­to­mers and guests app­re­ciate the out­stan­ding ser­vices you deli­ver and pro­vide and in turn, you show your app­re­cia­tion for your cus­to­mers and guests by than­king them for their loyalty with rewards, points or other cus­to­mer loyalty mea­su­res.
Inte­grate our Media Box in your loyalty sche­mes and let cus­to­mers, for exam­ple, redeem coll­ec­ted loyalty points for free down­loads of sel­ec­ted news­pa­pers and magazines.

Media Carrier Solutions