
Provide your passengers with their favourite reading material. Top international publications, easily accessible without causing any extra weight. 

What to do when crui­sing through rough seas?
Keep calm, chew some gum and relax with our digi­tal media library. And make the time as enjoya­ble as pos­si­ble. We recom­mend in this case the regu­lar “intake” of our digi­tal media library — the Media Box.
Media Box con­tent has an imme­diate and las­ting effect and offers great enter­tain­ment – also applies in calm seas, of course. Rea­ding ePa­pers can be addic­tive — but our Media Box can help with that too.


Media Box: first-class digital infotainment at sea…

No mat­ter which of the seven seas or which river you are tra­vel­ling on, you can com­pile a Media Box cus­to­mi­sed to your pas­sen­gers‘ requi­re­ments and demo­gra­phic. Just pick and choose from our wide range of more than 1,600 digi­tal news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes or tra­vel gui­des in 40 lan­guages.
What’s more, you can also inte­grate pod­casts and sel­ect from our multi-lin­gual enga­ging audio options.

… and on shore

The web-based Media Box does not require a sub­scrip­tion, works with or wit­hout an app and is available on any device via your Wi-Fi – per­fect on the high seas when recep­tion is poor.
Pas­sen­gers can also take their rea­ding with them when on shore, as publi­ca­ti­ons can be down­loa­ded and saved for later off­line use.

Your Media Box benefits

The Media Box not only impro­ves the range of ser­vices for your pas­sen­gers. Our Media Box is desi­gned as a white-label solu­tion, but our IT experts will adapt it pre­cis­ely to your cor­po­rate design spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons so that your pas­sen­gers will reco­gnize at first glance which ship­ping com­pany or ship is taking them on the cruise of a life­time. On request, we can also inte­grate your com­pany’s own media such as cus­to­mer maga­zi­nes or bro­chu­res — even the log­book, if required. 

All you need to do is decide on the con­tent you want to include in your Media Box and we take care of the rest, from sto­cking your Media Box with your cho­sen publi­ca­ti­ons to Wi-Fi inte­gra­tion. It could­n’t be simp­ler. With the Media Box, you can offer your guests a con­tem­po­rary digi­tal ser­vice, score points against your com­pe­ti­tors and improve your envi­ron­men­tal foot­print.

Media Carrier Solutions