Rail tra­vel

Exactly the right reading material for your passengers. Top international publications, easily accessible, individually adapted.

For your pas­sen­gers, tra­vel­ling by train is not just about get­ting from A to B relia­bly, com­for­ta­bly and in a sus­tainable way. Tra­vel­ling by train is an expe­ri­ence, which includes rela­xing en route, doing some work or sim­ply enjoy­ing the views out of the win­dow.

The Media Box adds to this expe­ri­ence by pro­vi­ding enga­ging and valuable enter­tain­ment and infor­ma­tion while on the way.

Works with or without app.

The web-based Media Box does not require a sub­scrip­tion, works with or wit­hout an app and is available on any device via your Wi-Fi. It is per­fect for train tra­vel, even more so as publi­ca­ti­ons can be saved for later off­line rea­ding, just in case your pas­sen­gers are in the middle of an enga­ging article when approa­ching their desti­na­tion. Sim­ply save and con­ti­nue rea­ding off­line at a later time.

Premium digital infotainment, customised for your passengers

The Media Box is like a “tre­asure chest“ for digi­tal con­tent and per­fect for tra­vel­ling. It enables you to offer your pas­sen­gers first-class digi­tal info­tain­ment opti­ons. Whe­ther busi­ness tra­vel­lers or fami­lies with child­ren, ever­yone will find their favou­rite rea­ding mate­rial while on their train trip. You can curate your cus­to­mi­sed Media Box based on your pas­sen­gers’ requi­re­ments and demo­gra­phics, choo­sing from our wide range of digi­tal con­tent for­mats inclu­ding more than 1,600 news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes, tra­vel gui­des and pod­casts. In our port­fo­lio you will find a wide sel­ec­tion in 40 lan­guages.

Your Media Box benefits

The Media Box not only impro­ves the range of ser­vices for your pas­sen­gers. Our expert IT team will also cus­to­mise our white label solu­tion to match your cor­po­rate design and can inte­grate your cus­to­mer maga­zine or bro­chu­res on request. Our seam­less digi­tal solu­tion crea­tes added value, gives you a com­pe­ti­tive edge and, importantly, redu­ces your car­bon foot­print, avo­i­ding paper and waste.