We mar­ket and dis­tri­bute digi­tal con­tent via our bespoke IT platform.
Through our digi­tal media library, cal­led Media Box, we offer more than 1,600 digi­tal edi­ti­ons of news­pa­pers, maga­zi­nes and tra­vel gui­des as well as pod­casts in 40 languages. 

Inter­na­tio­nal air­lines, such as Luft­hansa Group (inclu­ding Luft­hansa, Brussels Air­lines, Aus­trian Air­lines, SWISS, Euro­wings, Dis­co­ver, Air Dolo­miti), Ame­ri­can Air­lines, EVA Air and LOT, use our digi­tal media library to pro­vide an extra ser­vice for their pas­sen­gers. The Media Box is also used in around 1,250 hotels world­wide, on cruise ships, in gyms, hos­pi­tals and by many other cus­to­mer groups. The Media Box is also used in around 1,250 hotels world­wide, on cruise ships, in gyms, hos­pi­tals and by many other cus­to­mer groups.

Good to know: Our expert team is happy to advise you on digi­tal publi­shing projects.
We have long-stan­ding expe­ri­ence in dis­tri­bu­ting and mar­ke­ting digi­tal publi­ca­ti­ons and can help you deve­lop and design your digi­tal publi­shing pro­jects as well as sup­port you with mar­ke­ting and sales. 

Media Car­rier Solu­ti­ons GmbH
“A new star is born”: Since 2022, we have been inde­pendently ope­ra­ting as Media Car­rier Solu­ti­ons GmbH.
Media Car­rier GmbH
Since being set up in 2011 and until 2022, Media Car­rier GmbH has been mar­ke­ting and dis­tri­bu­ting digi­tal con­tent as part of the Munich-based media logi­stics com­pany MELO Group.
Media Carrier Solutions