The green solution

Why did we start Media Carrier Solutions? Because we are convinced that our paperless press service can make a small contribution to a more sustainable world. 

Distributing stacks of daily press is a thing of the past 

Almost every second indus­tri­ally fel­led tree world­wide is used for paper pro­duc­tion (accor­ding to WWF, 11/2021). As a digi­tal library, the Media Box not only con­tri­bu­tes to envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion by saving paper, but also by avo­i­ding the com­plex sup­ply chain (emis­si­ons during paper pro­duc­tion, trans­por­ta­tion, etc.). Not to men­tion the staff who have to spend a lot of time and energy on the daily pro­vi­sion of print press. Staff shorta­ges send their regards! 

Illustration eines gezeichneten, türkisfarbenen Zeitungsstapels, ein sandfarbener Kreis befindet sich im Hintergrund. Ein gezeichneter Pfeil zeigt auf eine Illustration eines Tablets und eines Smartphones auf dem die Media Carrier Solutions Mediathek als Demoversion gezeigt wird.
By using our digi­tal ser­vice, our air­line part­ners save many tons of paper and thus CO2 eq every month. And that’s not all: our digi­tal media library does not cause any addi­tio­nal weight and the­r­e­fore saves tons of fuel. For exam­ple, our cus­to­mer LOT Polish Air­lines saves around 230 tons of fuel per year by repla­cing prin­ted daily news­pa­pers with e‑press on board.  

The environment stays clean

Eli­mi­na­ting prin­ted news­pa­pers and maga­zi­nes also redu­ces the amount of waste in hotels, trans­por­ta­tion and all other places in a desti­na­tion. Ano­ther plus: by using an envi­ron­men­tally fri­endly alter­na­tive to tra­di­tio­nal print media, your own sus­taina­bi­lity goals can be sup­ported. 

Smartphones & co. are always on the go 

Of course, if the entire manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess of a mobile device is included in the sus­taina­bi­lity cal­cu­la­tion, the case of “digi­tal vs. print” is not so clear-cut. But let’s be honest: smart­phones and tablets have long been part of our ever­y­day lives and it’s hard to ima­gine life wit­hout them. So we use what’s alre­ady there — “Bring your own device” - that’s our motto. Who will win the race? Paper­less rea­ding, of course.